World Environmental Health Day Seminar

World Environmental Health Day (“WEHD”) seminar

The International Federation of Environmental Health (“IFEH”) has declared 26 September as the WEHD. Details about IFEH and WEHD are available on the following websites:

To support IFEH’s initiative, a one-day seminar will be held in KL, Malaysia, on 26 Sep 2013. The seminar is open to the participants from the Asia-Pacific Region, including members of our Society. Its theme will be “Emerging Environmental Health Risks and Challenges”. 

The Malaysian Association of Environmental Health (MAEH) has kindly invited our Society to give a talk during the seminar.

If you are interested to attend the seminar, please register by visiting this link  to download the forms and for other details.

If you are eligible to claim the subsidy for your overseas trip from our Society, as per para (1), you may want to take the advantage of the subsidy to seek reimbursement of your travel and accommodation expenses in accordance with the Guidance Note 2013. (Subsidy will not be applicable to the registration fee.)

Next year, to celebrate the WEHD, we may plan to organize a joint seminar with MAEH on 26 Sep 2014. If you have any suggestion or feedback regarding celebration of WEHD in Singapore or in the Asia-Pacific Region in 2014, pls let me know.

Thanks and best regards.

(Dr.) Pranav S. Joshi