About Us

Our Beginnings

The Society of Environmental Health, Singapore was founded in 1977. It’s original name was the Society of Public Health Inspectors. In keeping abreast with international trend and to better reflect the role of its members, the Society’s name was changed to the Society of Environmental Health Officers in 1996. In 1997, the Society decided to drop the word ‘officers’ from its name to open up its membership to people in the private sector who are involved in environmental health work.

The Society was formed with the following objectives:

  1. to improve the knowledge of the members in the field of environmental health science and other related fields
  2. to promote the welfare and interest of the members professionally
  3. to contribute wherever possible to the environmental health services of the Republic of Singapore

During the initial years, the Society’s membership was less than 100. In 1984, the Society published its first Journal and began making contact with its counterparts in Australia, New Zealand and Malaysia. It hosted its first joint seminar with the then Australian Institute of Health Surveyors (now known as the Australian Institute of Environmental Health).

The Society is also a founding member of the International Federation of Environmental Health (IFEH), which was formed in 1986.

Today, the Society boasts a membership of more than 200, consisting of people in the government service as well as the private sector. The Society has conducted numerous training courses and seminars on various environmental health related topics, and contributed significantly towards upgrading of the standard of food and environmental hygiene in Singapore.

To gain recognition in the international community, the Society has participated in many international and regional conferences in Africa, Australia, Europe, Malaysia, and the USA.

The Society is run by a management committee and are elected every 3 (three) years. The following members were elected to serve in the Committee at the AGM held on 20th May 2023.

PresidentMr Hassan Bava
1st Vice PresidentMr. JJ Simon
2nd Vice PresidentDr. Pranav S. Joshi
Hon SecretaryMr. Jack See Hock Chuan
Hon TreasurerMs. Wong See See (Huang Si Si)
Hon Asst SecretaryMr Arulsagayam Arokiasamy
Hon Asst TreasurerMr. Koyil Pillai
Committee MemberMr. Goh Chin Tong
Committee MemberMr. Lai Kok Peck
Committee MemberMr John Gerizim
Committee MemberMr. Chung Keng Meng
Committee MemberMr Michael