Environmental Health in Disaster and Humanitarian Settings

Dear Members

Sari Mutiara Indonesia University-Medan in partnership with Griffith University, International Federation of Environmental Health – Asia and Pacific (IFEH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will be conducting an international course on the role of Environmental Health in Disaster and Humanitarian Settings.

This course highlights the critical role you have in mitigating environmental health risks when responding to a disaster.

Sari Mutiara Indonesia University-Medan would like to invite lecturers, students and also members of Environment Health Society from in and outside Indonesia to join the course. The course will be conducted on 13 and 14 February 2015 at the Sari Mutiara Indonesia University, Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia.

For more details you may wish to contact:

Ms Dewi Fonna,
International Relationship Dept.
Sari Mutiara Indonesia University, Medan.
Jalan. Kapten Muslim No. 79
Phone: +6581360638866
Email: [email protected]

Course Details

Registration Form